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How To Achieve Business Success Through Company Culture 

Company culture is something that tends to be overlooked when creating a business strategy but is an essential key to success and will strengthen the foundations of your business.

Culture should be considered the lungs of your company, the heart being your values and operations but your culture is how you show that to external clients and internally through your employees. A strong culture within a business can improve employee morale, show your business’ ‘personality’ through social media, make your company stand out against competitors & attract new customers!

What is Company culture?

Culture within each business is different, the core to it is showing the value within your structure and benefits of working with you, this doesn’t just mean you give 5% discount to employees its looking further into aspects such as leadership style, compensation and benefits (for example we have dedicated healthcare benefits for our employees and yes.. It includes dental!), transparency and accountability, and work/life balance. 

These all contribute to work culture. The main thing to consider is how do you want your business to be seen by clients, are you fun or serious, professional or laid back? How can you show this externally? Also importantly are your employees happy and have a voice? This is key to having a strong culture! By keeping your employees happy they are likely to put more of themselves into the business as well as recommend it to others.

Your business has its own personality, try to think how you would like it to be seen internally and externally.


Why is culture important in business?

We have broken down the key factors of how culture affects business performance, Such as;

  1. Driving engagement through both clients and employees
  2. Boosting profits & decreasing turnover rates (Happy employees are likely to work harder and stay longer)
  3. Promoting your company’s core values – You need to live these values not just use attractive wording show this through action within the business!
  4. Improving hiring rates
  5. Assisting with onboarding the right people for the company – Potential employees will understand your company values through what they see in your company culture
  6. Creating a team culture which helps alignment and a more efficient workplace
  7. Improving employee wellbeing – This is super important to manage stress levels and employee mental health 

It may seem a lot to consider but these factors will help strengthen your company’s culture, but remember you need to show these through actions not just works! Eat, sleep, breathe culture and you can build a business that people are drawn to and most importantly trust! 

There is no one size fits all but we find the best way to start is by listening to your employees, start an open door policy where everyone has a voice and you will likely find some useful next steps from their experiences within the company and how you can improve culture.


Interested in knowing more about business culture, join us on the 5th October 2022 for our Business Bar Crawl… The ‘Culture Club’ Event! Sign up here.


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