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A Guide To Rich Snippets For SEO

Rich Snippets are a fantastic tool in your SEO arsenal that can often get overlooked.

These rich snippets are separate from featured snippets which appear in ‘position 0’ within Google SERPs, instead, whilst still related to your Google listing, they are a little more subtle.

Rich snippets are the more detailed version of your usual Google listing (which is usually just a headline, description, and URL) – instead, a rich snippet is RICH with information! It contains other information, such as ratings, product information, event information, etc. 

These types of listings stand out with all that rich information and encourage a much higher CTR than your usual listing.

How Does Google Create Rich Snippets?

Google will collect the data it needs for rich snippets from structured markup (such as Schema) which will sit in your page’s HTML.

This is something that’s great to have worked on by an SEO agency, and takes a little bit of time to set up.

Which Rich Snippet Do I Need?

There are a few different types of rich snippets to choose from, but a fair selection of them only apply to very specific types of sites or businesses.

You’ll need to work out which one you want to focus on before building out any structured markup.

Here are a few of our favourites broken out for you!


Include review data to create a displayable star rating (out of 5) on your Google result.

This helps with business credibility and trust, increasing the likelihood of a click-through.

When building this in your structured markup, it can be a rating from an individual reviewer or aggregate reviews from users.

Product Information

Product markup gives search engines specific information about specific products such as price, product images, stock, etc.

A fantastic way of letting potential customers know your price or product range before they click through to your site, meaning you might limit clicks but drive hyper-relevant ones instead.

Event Information

List the events you’re hosting in your rich snippet to show information such as dates, times, and locations.

This is another way of showing improving relevancy with your website traffic, and providing value and trust-filled brand touchpoints with potential customers.



This type of rich snippet really only applies to recipe sites and allows you to include the likes of time to prepare dish, reviews, and imagery.

Again, useful for users to whittle down the right site for them, and for you, the website owner, to drive the likes of improved website duration, traffic, and other metrics.

There’s so much more data available to add to your Google results listings through rich snippets, and hopefully, there’s a type of structured markup valuable to your business. 

Driving relevant traffic to your website is so much better than driving masses of irrelevant traffic that will bounce away and harm aspects of your search engine optimisation.

Any questions? Then get in touch with us, or feel free to keep your eyes out for more SEO guides.


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