If you haven’t heard the news already, there’s less than one month to go until you can use Google’s new cross-device remarketing feature. Beginning on 15th May, Remarketing Audiences in Google Analytics can now use a cross-device remarketing function that is available in AdWords and DoubleClick. This ensures you can reach your customers across different devices in your Google Analytics Audiences.
Did you know that around 6 in 10 internet users embark on a purchasing journey across multiple devices, starting shopping on one device and finishing with another? The new cross-device remarketing feature in AdWords and DoubleClick means that you can target users with relevant ads even when they’re on another device.
Google will be getting its remarketing data from users who have opted to use their Google account for their web and app browsing history; it’s this data that tailors personalised ads to the signed-in user when they browse the web.
For marketers, no action is required on their part except to review their privacy policies. You can of course not choose to use Remarketing with Google Analytics by turning off the remarketing data collection option.
Will you be using Remarketing with Google Analytics? If you’d like to learn more, take a look at our remarketing services to see what we can do for you.