Giant Case Study

Helping not-for-profit, Patient Safety Learning, utilise free ad credit from Google & grow their digital presence.

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“The team guided us extremely well.

– Chief Digital Officer, Patient Safety Learning

The Client:

Patient Safety Learning is a charity focused on improving patient safety, using the skills, experience and enthusiasm of healthcare organisations, professionals and patients for system-wide change and a reduction in harm.

They have developed a platform named ‘the hub’ – a free, award-winning platform for anyone with an interest in patient safety to learn and share from one another.

The Services:

Whilst working with Patient Safety Learning on their digital presence, Sleeping Giant Media have provided the following services;

  • Data and tracking to set up goals relevant to the client
  • Setting up, building and managing a Google Grants account

The Brief:

The client wanted to drive more traffic to their main knowledge and learning site called ‘the hub’, the aim was to drive awareness of it as well as drive meaningful users who would actively engage with the knowledge-based articles and communities.

The nature of the material (patient safety) was one that required flexibility in targeting users as content would often trend off the back of news coverage or report releases.

The Approach:

Sleeping Giant Media first looked at structuring the account in a way that was logical and allowed them to funnel budget towards specific areas of interest, whenever they were trending. By conducting keyword research, they built out a campaign and ad group structure that encouraged cheaper CPCs, good Quality Scores and landing page/ad relevance.

Google Grants have to be approached differently from normal PPC campaigns as it can be typically hard to drive the full amount of spend that Google permits you per month, you are also limited to the types of bid strategies you can use.

The majority of Sleeping Giant Media’s success in navigating this came from leveraging the power of machine learning. 

 By dictating the particular goals that the algorithms looked at, the agency was able to drive more relevant users to the hub. By creating goals around engagement such as ‘above 1 minute of session duration’ or ‘average number of pages visited’, they were able to approach the account in a similar way to how they’d approach lead gen, forcing Google to source users who were more likely to engage more meaningfully with the site and its content.

The Results


increase in conversions


more users to the hub


more impressions

Over the course of the 5-6 months in charge of the account, the agency saw a consistent month on month improvements. Conversions increased by between 35% to 50% every month. By the end of the project, Sleeping Giant Media had the account spending its $10k monthly budget allocated by Google. The ads now drive around 400 unique visitors to the site each week.

Comparing the final month to the first month, they saw conversions increase by 168%, driving 162% more users to the hub and driving 233% more impressions.

From the client:

“We were hesitant about embarking on this initiative as we did not really know what return we would receive on our investment with Sleeping Giant Media. We were very pleasantly surprised. The team guided us extremely well and set everything up in a logical way so that we can now manage it ourselves if we want to.

The traffic to the site has been boosted significantly, and there are other bonuses such as lots of information on the search terms that people are using to find our ads. That has helped us refine both our main content and our metadata.”

Clive Flashman – Chief Digital Officer

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