Welcome to the next video in our GIANT SEO series, where today we’ll be discussing ‘what is on page SEO?’.
Video transcript
So essentially SEO can be broken down into two sections – on page and off page SEO. Today we’re going to cover on page SEO.
So Google’s on page SEO ranking factors will include things like page titles, meta descriptions, on page content and internal linking. It considers all of these different factors to try and determine how good your site is compared to the competition, and how accurately you can answer a user’s question based on the search query they’ve typed in.
On page SEO ranking factors could include things like page titles, on page written content, meta descriptions and site structure, so basically the whole information architecture – how you structure your site and what pages you feel are most important.
Google’s going to look at all of these factors and try to assign a value to them, or a score if you like, and its going to combine that score with other ranking criteria like the off page factors and essentially try to determine where to rank you for certain search terms. You’ve got to remember that this is for every single search term, so its not about one particular word or set of words – for every single variation Google does the same sort of thing. It looks at all of the content and all of the other things and tries to decide where you all rank for every single search term that people use.
You should also remember that SEO is not just about manipulating your site to try to please a search engine. Ultimately it’s about trying to create great, unique content for users to consume; to answer their questions and to add value to what they’re looking for online.
So again try not to get too fixated on the old fashioned SEO criteria, its more about understanding your customers and providing a really, really good service for them on your website.
Thanks very much for checking out our latest post in the GIANT SEO series.
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