Since joining Sleeping Giant Media, Tom has kayaked around Kent’s coast in 5 days, completed the Yorkshire 3 peaks (twice) and also completed the London to Brighton ultramarathon (twice)“ and now he’s taking to the streets of Brighton once again in aid of Cancer Research UK. Here’s why:
Cancer Research UK is a charity very close to my heart, so when the opportunity came about to complete the Brighton Marathon, I jumped at the chance to join in. It’s a real personal challenge; I’ve had to prepare for the last 6 months to even get near what I want to achieve! I’ve upped my running game, I’ve completed 2 half marathons in the last 2 weeks, and have been pushing myself further than ever before. Preparation from me is basically eating better and running loads! It should be a good run, for a great cause. I’m hoping to raise £250 for Cancer Research UK, so please click that button!
The marathon involves running 26.2 miles across Brighton’s seafront. If you want to help support Tom’s cause for Cancer Research UK, please click this link.
Challenge SGM is dedicated to helping charities and by using the individual talents of our staff, we are able to raise donations through various and creative methods. If you have a charity event of your own, let us know by using our hashtag #ChallengeSGM
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